July 31 - S&S + Alphabroder API 2024 and Decorator Platform Updates

Feature - S&S + Alphabroder API 2024

  • S&S and Alphabroder API products with most up-to-date information is now available for users to add to orders (BETA)

    • Users can select “ S&S Activewear 2024” or “Alphabroder 2024” within the vendor search to access the new API products.

Improvements - Added an "Export Transaction Report" to CS Platform

  • Allows the user to generate an excel file for all inventory transactions that occurred within a given date range.

  • Improved UI by merging “Search Order HIstory By ID” and “Search Inventory” into 1 togglable search bar.

  • Moved the “Show Empty Products” switch toggle into the “Qty” column header to improve UI.

  • Added a “Totals” row for the Total and Qty columns.

Improvements - Small updates to the Platform

  • Made the header for orders and in the desdign statis so that its always at the top and the body is scrollable

  • Order link in receiving order and purchase orders modules.

  • Search in the completed tab in the receiving order view.

  • New tech for print receiving order in order details view.

  • Add garment date header in receiving order module.

  • Update Garment date in Purchase Order

    • Users will now be able to update the garment date that will update in the orders inside the PO.

Hotfix/Bugs - Platform issues

  • RO pdf is now showing supplied in all items

  • Fixed an issue where the Floor Stock carton labels popup was not boxing correctly.

  • Fixed an issue where the search bar in the Receiving Order was not functioning correctly.

  • Added loaders in appropriate areas within the platform.

  • When updating products in an order, the Receiving order is not being updated.

    • Users will now be able to update the garment date that will update in the orders inside the PO.

  • Fixed an issue related to some orders not using the latest “active” PO.

  • Fixed an issue related to over and short qty are not displayed correctly in RO pdf.

Last updated