September 3 - Platform Features (Packing Slip for Floor Stock, D&D Automation, Design Tool Admin)

Feature - Packing Slip for Floor Stock

  • Packing Slips for Floor Stock is now available

    • User will now be able to print out the packing slip thats created based on how the product is packed.

Feature - Design Tool Admin

  • Users will now be able to add new products to the design tool using the Admin section in App. This will allow precision creation of canvases for print areas.

Feature - Damages & Deductions Automation

  • When a user adds the qtys under the D&D card in distributions, it will automatically create the boxes and deduct them from the invoice. User will no longer need to do anything else.

Improvements - New API color Swatches Update

  • The new vendor API's will now have small color swatches when they view a product.

Improvements - Small updates to the Platform

  • Removed null values from the invoice if no address is present

  • If an order has a distribution of Damages & Deductions, it will no longer show that "location' as the address on the invoice

  • Fixed styling issue related to the position card on the schedule board where the tabs were not always showing.

  • Fixed issues related to creating and updating custom products in app.

  • Fixed issues related to drop ship instructions not showing on the purchase order

Last updated